How to Save Money on Groceries Smart Shopping Tips

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Admit it, you’ve more than often walked into a supermarket and walked out with more groceries than you’d set out to buy. We’ve all done it at some point or the other – bought asparagus without knowing what to do with it, let an avocado or two rot in the fridge, and hoarded on sauces and relishes we only remembered after they had touched their expiry date.

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, about 1.3 billion tones of food is wasted every year! This should definitely be reason enough for us to try and make an effort to minimize waste and make informed food choices. This is where grocery-shopping tips come handy, especially the ones that also save us money.

One smart tip for searching online groceries? Make sure the option you click is for the most economical option — it not only speaks to your wallet, but also helps you reduce the total amount of items you buy. Here are 10 of the smartest ways to cut down on buying grocery shopping altogether!10 Clever Tips to Save Money On Groceries

1. Shop the aisles of big brands.

Not only do you save money on groceries, but those items are less likely to go bad if they get a quick soaking in a plastic bag. This line of thinking applies to many big brands and also to smaller brands, too. When shopping at big supermarkets, check the aisle of the store for aisles where the prices are lower and the selection is wider.

Do you know of brands in your area that offer essentially the same products at affordable prices? One major grocery chain I like to shop at is the Canadian Safeway chain. For example, in my area you can get salmon and eggs, asparagus and lentils, wet foods and frozen ones, fruits, and so on from my local grocery shopping store

The list of grocery stores that I stock up on at the supermarket is pretty extensive, and I try to shop in and out as much as possible so I don’t run out of staples or end up spending far more on groceries than I pride myself on doing

2. Shop the perimeter of the supermarket in case you find something unexpected.

When we’re online grocery shopping in coimbatore, what we think we’re looking for is the most expensive item at the top of the grocery aisle. It makes sense: This is where the big brands and in-store displays are. However, you may actually be looking for the most affordable items going out of the back of the store.

When you’re trying to avoid spending too much money and making new purchases, store a few staples in your bag — snacks, dairy products, protein bars and condiments — so you don’t have to hunt down your extras later when they’re all gone.

3. Use coupons.

While restrictions on grocery shopping (like a 44% sales tax on Sundays) are most common with big brands that limit you to a certain number of weekly transactions, it could be that there are more discounts available at the big stores on items you’re more likely to buy more of, like fruits, vegetables and dairy. Craft a list of all the following grocery store coupons and use those instead when shopping online. Go to the bank, credit union or your local library to check a few places online.

Knowing which products actually fit with our personal values and needs and missing out on other similar but in-season items saves us money and ensures we Shop Smart. According to PWC, there are “more than 50 categories (color and ingredient combinations) that offer FREE shipping in the USA,* with a minimum order value of $25.99.” In other words, while you can always shop by what you want, SKU-appraisers can help you get the best deal.3 ways to save more at the grocery store1)

Check your weekly or monthly print catalog. It doesn’t take three months to get your hands on new products, and most supermarkets have a weekly or monthly catalog available. If this is something you cannot currently access, make this happen by browsing through the catalogue and shopping empty shelves until you find what you’re looking for Amazon Prime member discounts Amazon Prime membership is an amazing way to save money on groceries.

Not only does it give you free two-day shipping, but about half of your groceries will be automatically delivered to your doorstep—no more hunting through the aisles to access items! Just e-mail the grocery store and see if they offer any “saved delivery” deals.

While we don’t encourage shopping on Amazon because of its pricing, this membership offers many other great Amazon-related savings, too, including presentation foil or free shipping on up to two orders of non-perishable foods. Use the alert feature at the supermarket’s checkout.

You can sign up for alerts from the grocery store by clicking the “Get Weekly & Save Better” link at the end of their email newsletter. These e-mails include coupons, recent promotions, and help you make the best shopping decisions possible. Organizing your list and sticking to it can make it easier to make these savings each week. It’s also a good idea to re-focus your weekly shopping if you are anything like us and tend to over shop.

4) Buy in bulk.

One of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to save money on groceries is by buying in bulk. That way, you save on the “hidden” (hidden charges) that come with buying in bulk and limit yourself to a smaller number of items to shop with. The size of the savings that you make as compared to the cost of the items you buy in bulk can depend on where you live, but most experts agree it’s usually 10% or more. Be sure to double-check the prices of the items on the first several pages of the list to be sure they are accurate (this usually means they’re not inflated prices).

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